Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stairway to heavan

Recently my parents bought a new BBQ which has a rotisserie inside it. So after we failed with our attempt at cooking a chicken in it, we tried a slab of lamb and decided to make souvlakis.
I cannot physically express how amazing these souvlakis are. Seriously better than any youll ever buy in any shop. So let me treat you to the receipe.

Steps to mouth water:

Step 1. Lightly toast and heat one side of a pita bread in the griller

Step 2. Remove from grill and place on plate and put a thick slop of hommous down the middle of the bread

Step 3. Add sliced meat and squeeze lots of lemon juice over it

Step 4. Add tabouli on top, followed by tomato

Step 5. Add lots of tatziki down the middle on top of tomatoes, followed by lettuce

Step 6. Fold bottum of pita bread up over ingredients, followed by each of the sides, to form a wrap

Your souvlaki is complete, enjoy!

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